
History, philosophy and pedagogy of math

Functional Differential Equations

Decolonisation of math and science education

Springer Encyclopedia series


Frontier Weekly series

The Indian calculus and its relevance to physics today. Talk in Pune University, Department of Physics, Jan 2016

“Eternity and Infinity: the Western misunderstanding of Indian mathematics and its consequences for science today.” American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies 14(2) (2015) pp. 27-33.

“Functional differential equations.1: a new paradigm in physics”, Physics Education (India), 29(3), July-Sep 2013.

“Decolonising math and science education”. Ghadar Jari Hai 8(3), 2014, pp. 5-12.


“Islam and science”, Keynote address at International Conference on Islam and Multiculturalism: Islam, Modern Science and Technology, Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya, 5-6 Jan 2013. In Islam and Multiculturalism: Islam, Modern Science, and Technology, ed. Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya, and Organization for Islamic Area Studies, Waseda University, Japan, 2013, pp. 1-14.

“Education and counter-revolution”, Comment in Frontier Weekly, Aug 2013.> Republished as “Education and Church: Decolonising the hard sciences” Frontier Weekly 46(7) 25-31 Aug 2013.

Ganita vs mathematics: Ten myths of Western math, talk at International Conference on Plurality in Math, Kolkata, Dec 2015.

“Probability in Ancient India”, chp. 37 in Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, vol 7. Philosophy of Statistics, ed, Dov M. Gabbay, Paul Thagard and John Woods. Elsevier, 2011, pp. 1175-1196.

“Functional differential equations 2: The classical hydrogen atom”, Physics Education (India), 29(3), July-Sep 2013.

“Decolonising Maths education”, in The Hindu, 24 Oct 2014.


“Harmony principle”, Philosophy East and West, 63 (4) 2013, pp. 586-604.

Also, “The Harmony principle”, in: Samvad and svaraj, ed. Shail Mayaram, Sage, 2014, pp. 232-250.

Entropy, economics, environment and ethics”, paper presented at 37th meeting of Indian Social Science Academy, Aligarh Muslim University, Dec 2013. Reprinted Frontier Weekly, 20 Jan 2014.

“Swaraj in Education”, talk at Indian Institute of Education, for IIE-PCE conference, Pune, Jan 2016

“Teaching mathematics with a different philosophy. Part 1: Formal mathematics as biased metaphysics.” Science and Culture 77 (7-8) (2011) pp. 274–279. arxiv:1312.2099.

“Functional differential equations. 3: Radiative damping”, Physics Education (India), 30(3), July-Sep 2014.

“Decolonisation of education: further steps”, International conference on “Decolonisation and leadership”, Nottingham University, Malaysia Campus, Jan 2015.


“A Tale of Two Calendars” in Multicultural Knowledge and the University, ed. Claude Alvares, Multiversity, 2013, pp. 112-119.

“The Pythagorean controversy”, Frontier Weekly, 47 (34) 1-7 Mar 2015.

“Calculus: ganita or math”, Talk at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Dec 2015. (See video.)

“Teaching mathematics with a different philosophy. Part 2: Calculus without limits”, Science and Culture 77 (7-8) (2011) pp. 280–85. arxiv:1312.2100.

“Functional Differential Equations. 4: Retarded gravitation”, Physics Education (India) 31(2) April-June, 2015.

“Decolonising math and science”. In: Decolonising the University, ed. Claude Alvares and Shad Faruqi,USM and Citizens International, 2012, pp. 162–195.


“Kosambi the mathematician”, Economic and Political Weekly 44(20) May16–22 (2009) pp. 33–45.

“Not out of Greece”, Frontier Weekly, 47(25), 28 Dec 2014 -3 Jan 2015. .

“Education policy in the post-colonial era”, Presidential address at 39th Indian Social Science Congress, Mangalore University, Dec 2015. (Booklet in preparation.)

“Calculus without limits: report of an experiment”, Paper for Proceedings of 2nd People's Education Congress (held in Mumbai 2010).

“Functional Differential Equations. 5: Time travel and life”, Physics Education (India) 31(4) Oct-Dec, 2015.

“Decolonising our universities: time for change.” Response to Wildavsky. GlobalHigherEd


“History and philosophy of science as a means for decolonisation”, Bharatiya Samajik Chintan, 13(1), pp. 87-90.

“Get rid of this false history of science” (response about Einstein and zionism), Frontier Weekly, Jan 2013

“Calculus: the real story”, Talk in MIT, Cambridge, Mass, April 2015.

“Towards Equity in Math Education 2. The Indian Rope Trick” Bharatiya Samajik Chintan (New Series) 7 (4) (2009) pp. 265–269.

“Retarded gravitation theory” in: Waldyr Rodrigues Jr, Richard Kerner, Gentil O. Pires, and Carlos Pinheiro (ed.), Sixth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation, American Institute of Physics, New York, 2012, pp. 260-276.

“Swaraj in thought: Decolonising our universities for a just world order”. Plenary talk, Indian Social Sciences Congress, Mahatma Gandhi University, Wardha, Dec 2011.


“Science and Equity”, in People's Struggles and Movements for an Equitable Society, ed. N. P. Chaubey, D. Panda, and Girijesh Pant, Indian Academy of Social Sciences, 2013, pp. 151-159.

“The meaning of Christian discovery” Frontier Weekly 47(29) 25-31 Jan 2015.