Time (physics)



“On Time.” A series of articles in Physics Education (India), as follows.


Functional differential equations

Their relevance to physics (electrodynamics and quantum mechanics) was first explained in Time: Towards a Consistent Theory, and the articles in Physics Education, listed above.


Talks etc.

Time (philosophy)



Talks etc.








Software developed


History and Philosophy of Science, science and society







Talks etc.

Book Reviews etc

Articles for the Springer Encyclopedia

Articles for Encyclopedia of Non-Western Science, Technology and Medicine, Springer, 2008, 2014, 2016.


  1. Talk: a tale of two calendars https://www.youtube.com/MvpuC7Dg4e0, 31895 views.

    Interesting comments
    Mott King

    Amazing talk. From this other information tumbling out of Europe’s dirty past, looks like ’White man’s burden’ in reality meant ’the burden to appear superior at whatever cost’. One can only imagine the inferiority complex the early whites must have felt seeing the dark heathen natives’ superiority in trade, calculations, navigation, astronomy, architecture etc.!

    Ravi Chikkam

    I am extremely impressed with the depth and breadth of the knowledge. I am more educated in one hour than I had been [in] several years.

    Bhagat Singh

    CK Raju has been a rare original voice among Indian intellectuals.

    Jaya Kumar

    Absolutely brilliant exposition by C K Raju!!! A masterpiece in critical thinking!!

  2. MIT talk: Calculus the real story, https://www.youtube.com/IaodCGDjqzs, 13155 views.

  3. Interview with Claude Alvares: Part 1 of 5 https://www.youtube.com/eS4xM-vyeSg, 9487 views.

    Interesting comments
    Ashok Rajpal

    Professor C.K.Raju’s courage is admirable.

    Bharat Mallapur

    Superb, thought provoking, eye opening!

    (Anon.) Dazhizhe

    Thank you for the interview, I enjoyed it a lot. I am so glad that somebody is on the project of digging into historical evidence and telling history as it is. I just hope that more people will join in the process so that our children will learn a history that more correctly reflects the evidence we have. Much of the primary source that Western historians rely on for ancient Greece dates back to around the Renaissance and after, which is more than 1000 years after the supposed fact. Any scrupulous historian would consider such sources to be highly questionable and unreliable.

    Sourabh Battacharya

    Wonderful very very wonderful.

  4. Conversation with the Dalai Lama on “Buddhism and Science”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkS1HM6g0O4, 5913 views.

  5. Ending Academic Imperialism https://www.youtube.com/zdvgH4gByfk, 7271 views.

  6. IISc talk. Calculus: gaita or math? https://www.youtube.com/U-r1CWU-KKM, 4370 views.

    Peter Moore

    Prof. Raju congratulation for bringing the truth to light. Keep on telling the truth. There are special forces at work with special interest to try to prevent you from showing the truth. Truth buried for long will come to light, truth is stronger than falsehood.…You should be given the Nobel prize for all your work.

    Michael David

    Good points in this video. Very interesting and revealing.

  7. Berlin talk. Thinking together: decolonizing time, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jltPVAkOVLg 2586 views, also at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ3SDf6u_DA 510 views.

  8. Talk: Campus in Camps, Palestine, https://www.youtube.com/hPWNL5YL2ds, 2717 views.

  9. Interview with Claude Alvares: Part 2 of 5, 4794 views. https://www.youtube.com/RY0byneeUiM

  10. Interview with Claude Alvares: Part 3 of 5, 2708 views. https://www.youtube.com/OLrWAjWQXxo

  11. Interview with Claude Alvares: Part 4 of 5 https://www.youtube.com/n3ZaYuBW_rA 2442 views.

  12. Interview with Claude Alvares: Part 5 of 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCoLlle9ANA.

  13. New HPS course: students interviewed by Claude Alvares (2 min version) https://www.youtube.com/ozQRBNk2alg.

  14. “Decolonising science, panel discussion”, University of Cape Town, 1365 views, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckbzKfRIi6Q.

  15. “Interaction at Blackhouse Kollective on decolonizing mathematics” Soweto, 1517 views, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpbfsoQJ3sc

  16. “Decolonising science, panel discussion, part 2, University of Cape Town, 397 views, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnKhpL7wZzM.

  17. “Decolonising science” interaction with science students at University of Cape Town, 2438 views, https://www.facebook.com/VernacNews/videos/1447581175338049/

  18. “Decolonising math”, Univ. of Amsterdam, 398 views. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UioC3-lwFhE.

  19. “Interview with Grapevine TV”, Amsterdam, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEJhfbsohEk, 693 views.

  20. “Decolonosing math and science education”, keynote address, 11th Higher Education Conference, Durban, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpS6MfzJr2E, 413 views.

  21. Decolonisation panel, Teaching and Learning TV, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcuVaJA_SSc, 393 views.

  22. Interview with ITV, UNISA, Pretoria, part 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gEXKQnjW4M&feature=youtu.be, 303 views.

  23. Interview with ITV, UNISA, Pretoria, part 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8R96ofFFJA&feature=youtu.be

  24. Lecture at Makhanlal National University of Journalism, Bhopal. https://www.youtube.com/h49m88Gq8dQ, 2514 views.

  25. Decolonising math and science education (First half hour, and takes a little time to start) https://player.vimeo.com/video/26506961.

  26. TGA acceptance speech part 1, 574 views. https://www.youtube.com/93PVVX_TigU

  27. TGA acceptance speech, Part 2, 617 views. https://www.youtube.com/HpIW587FrPA

  28. Talk on calculus at Institute of Complex Thought (IPCEM), Ricardo Palma University, Lima, 1099 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z64ALQOQnt4.

  29. Resisting hegemony, talk at Penang meeting, 2187 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9zXH1Sxwa0.

  30. (More videos at http://ckraju.net/videos/videos.html)

Articles in newspapers and magazines

  1. इतिहास के विचलन”, Jansatta, 24 Jan 2008.

  2. “IT: the next money spinner?” Article in Hindustan Times, Indore, 1 May 2010.

  3. किस गणित का उत्सव?Dainik Bhaskar, 13 April 2012, edit page (circulation 40 million). Text link: http://www.bhaskar.com/article/ABH-what-mathematics-of-the-party-3104218.html Archived clipping: http://ckraju.net/press/2012/Bhaskar-article-13-April-print-version.gif.

  4. “National Year of Mathematics”, Millennium Post, 19 June 2012, p. 8. Online text version at http://www.millenniumpost.in/NewsContent.aspx?NID=2227

  5. “Making math easy”, Millennium Post, 5 July 2012, p. 8. Online text version at http://millenniumpost.in/NewsContent.aspx?NID=3456

  6. गणित कठिन क्यों लगता है?”, Dainik Bhaskar, 9 June 2012, edit page. Text link: http://ckraju.net/press/2012/ganita-kathin-kyon-lagata-hai.gif. Archived clipping: http://ckraju.net/press/2012/ganita-kathin-kyon-lagata-hai.gif

  7. “Still craving for approval”, Millennium Post, 30 June 2012, Online text version at http://millenniumpost.in/NewsContent.aspx?NID=4746

  8. “The God particle”, Millennium Post, 24 July 2012, Online text version at http://www.millenniumpost.in/NewsContent.aspx?NID=5936.

  9. मैथेमैटिक्स और गणित में फर्क हैNaidunia, 25 May 2013.

  10. “Get rid of this false history of science” response about Einstein and zionism), Frontier Weekly, published online, 15 Jan 2013. http://www.frontierweekly.com/views/jan-13/15-1-13-Get%20rid%20of%20this%20false%20history%20of%20science.html

  11. “Education and counter-revolution”, Frontier Weekly, online. Similar version edited and republished as an article “Decolonising the hard sciences” in Frontier Weekly 46(7) 25-31 Aug 2013. http://www.frontierweekly.com/archive/vol-number/vol/vol-46-2013-14/46-7/46-7-Decolonising%20Hard%20Sciences.html . Original at http://ckraju.net/papers/Education-and-counter-revolution.pdf

  12. “Entropy, economics, environment and ethics”, Frontier Weekly, online article, http://frontierweekly.com/views/jan-14/20-1-14-Entropy-economics-environment%20and%20ethics.html . Original at http://ckraju.net/papers/Entropy-Economy-Environment-Ethics.pdf

  13. वैदिक गणित में वैदिक कुछ नहीं ”, Jansatta, 10 August 2014. http://epaper.jansatta.com/318935/Jansatta.com/Jansatta-Hindi-10082014#page/17/1.

  14. “Nothing Vedic in Vedic mathematics”, The Hindu, 3 Sep 2014, http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/nothing-vedic-in-vedic-maths/article6373689.ece?homepage=true.

  15. “Decolonising maths education”, The Hindu, 24 October 2014, http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/decolonising-maths-education/article6528274.ece?homepage=true .

  16. कोलम्बस और वास्को नें क्या खोजा ?Naiduniya, 13 October 2014, http://ckraju.net/gif/Nai-Dunia-13-October-2014-p8.gif.

  17. “The meaning of Christian ‘Discovery’” Frontier Weekly, 47 (29) 25-31 Jan 2015. http://www.frontierweekly.com/archive/vol-number/vol/vol-47-2014-15/47-29/47-29-The%20Meaning%20of%20Christian%20Discovery.html

  18. “Not out of Greece”, Frontier Weekly, 47(25), 28 Dec 2014–3 Jan 2015. http://www.frontierweekly.com/archive/vol-number/vol/vol-47-2014-15/47-25/47-25-Not%20Out%20Of%20Greece.html .

  19. “The Pythagorean controversy”, Frontier Weekly, 47 (34) 1–7 Mar 2015. http://www.frontierweekly.com/archive/vol-number/vol/vol-47-2014-15/47-34/47-34-The%20Pythagorean%20Controversy.html

  20. “Frontline’s calculus of caste”, Kafila.org, 14 April 2015, http://kafila.org/2015/04/14/frontlines-calculus-of-caste-c-k-raju/ .

  21. “Indian minds, alien calculations”, Pioneer, 9 July 2015, http://www.dailypioneer.com/columnists/oped/indian-minds-alien-calculations.html.

  22. “Time for a secular calendar” Pioneer, 21 Aug 2015. http://www.dailypioneer.com/columnists/oped/time-for-a-secular-calendar.html

  23. “Secularism and the calendar” Frontier Weekly, July 2016. http://frontierweekly.com/views/jul-16/22-7-16-Secularism%20and%20the%20calendar.html

  24. “Mathematics, decolonization and censorship”, Kafila, https://kafila.online/2017/06/25/mathematics-and-censorship-c-k-raju/

  25. “Debunking myths about history”, Pioneer, 4 Oct 2017. Original title: “Churchification of history”. http://www.dailypioneer.com/columnists/oped/debunking-myths-about-history.html.

Seminars and workshops organized/anchored

Miscellaneous information

Scholarships, prizes etc.

Extra-curricular activities

Index of media reports

Clips of many press reports (and also my newspaper articles) are archived at http://ckraju.net/press.

  1. All books/articles are solo, except where explicitly indicated otherwise. Students have reported guided work in their own names.

  2. No attempt has been made to artificially inflate the number of papers by breaking one paper into n. Focus is on quality as judged by comments of leading scholars.

  3. Some of my work in computing involves state secrets and cannot be reported.