This is a video recording my concluding seminar (25 March 2021) as a Tagore Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study. Twitter summary: 1. Ganita (गणित) differs from (formal) math, 2. it makes math easy, and 3. makes science better. 4. This is an obituary of formal math. Slogan…
(In response to a post asking about the possible cure for racism, by Ron Eglash on the Isgem mailing list (International study group on ethnomathematics) Well Ron, Let us ask what we and Isgem, in particular, can do about it. The false sense of racist superiority was created and is…
The church state nexus led to an enormous amount of false history, for the priest ruled with the help of lies. During the Crusades the church adopted reason (not much mention of it in the Bible). The Crusades (after the first) were military failures, therefore, the church adopted reason, as…
Recently, I presented my talk on “Pre-colonial appropriations of Indian ganita: epistemic issues”. This was at a round table at IIAS Shimla which replaced the now-postponed conference on Indology. My talk was primarily about the inferior math we teach in school today based on the European misunderstanding of the Indian…
My point in part 1 and part 2 of this post was that there were no axiomatic proofs among Greeks, and that the cult of Pythagoreans as also the book Elements were both concerned with religious beliefs about the soul linked to geometry. The church reinterpreted the book Elements, to…
As pointed out in the previous blog entry, there are, in fact, no axiomatic proofs in Greek math. But there is a widespread and sticky belief to that effect. Why is this false belief about axiomatic proofs among Greeks so widespread and sticky? In fact, Western/church education spread the false…
Greek history for idiots: Greediots and Pythagoras. 1: No axiomatic proofs in Greek math Recently, I presented my talk on “Pre-colonial appropriations of Indian ganita: epistemic issues”. This was at a round table at IIAS Shimla which replaced the now-postponed conference on Indology. The key point of my talk was…
(elaborated and simplified) An interactive workshop at the Berlin festival for time issues 24, 25 March 2020, 1500-1800 Berlin time. Facebook live stream: will be only of the conference talk on the 21st March 1430 to 1600 Berlin time (1900 to 2030 IST). The workshop will cover the following…
So, what are the lessons for decolonisation from part 1 and part 2? Lesson 1. Do not blindly trust Western/White authority. Fight to reject any system which forces such trust. If the editor of the most prominent math journal (Notices of the AMS) can act so shamelessly in such a…
Part 1 of this post restated the facts regarding my novel mathematical point about “Einstein’s mistake”, how it was copied by Michael Atiyah during his AMS Einstein Centenary lecture of 2005, and its subsequent report published in the Notices of the AMS, 2006. Also copied was the claim that the…